Midwifing the Soul
Self-Paced Mother Tongue course
originally recorded in January 2024
JOIN THE COURSEMidwifing the Soul is a four-month educational initiation for giving birth to a deeper expression of oneself rooted in service to the liberation and wellbeing of the collective.

We will unpack the poisons of colonial capitalist modernity and cultivate the antidotes necessary for conceiving, gestating, and birthing the work of art that is our Life.
The reclamation of Soul in the world is the antidote needed to end the oppressive cycles and suffering born from dominant culture. For the last 4000 years, our species is responsible for unimaginable horrors to each other and to our more-than-human kin here on Earth. But this is not the only destiny possible for us. It will require revolutionary human expressions to heal and guide our species forward. Feminine wisdom has been a forgotten key in the collective. For this reason, it is critical that women & femmes step into their power and birth forth the visions rumbling in their Soul.
The call within each of us to become more of ourselves is a magical and mystical birthing. Though it is no small task in the current context of society, we are not alone in this process of soulful becoming—a living intelligence supports our way, not just for ourselves but for the entire web of Life.
In decolonial frameworks, the blossoming of Self is a sacred offering to the Collective. As one of us peels back layers of distortion and fear, we all catch deeper glimpses of into who we are. The more intimate we become with the process of death and birth, the better of an instrument we can be for a benevolent force to work through us and gift back to the world. The more we contemplate the revolutionary needs of our times and weave them together with our gifts, the more Soul can shine through existence and co-create a more beautiful reality here on Earth.

Curriculum Overview
- Deconstructing the Myths of Modernity
- Resourcing from Soul and the Anima Mundi
- Revival of the Feminine Intelligence
- Symbolic Maps for Giving Birth
- Dreamwork & Dream Interpretation
- Ancestral Healing
- Shadow work
- Creative Expression
- Psychomagic Ritual
- Meditation & Altered States
- Subconscious Reprogramming
What does this course include?
- 9 bi-monthly live calls via zoom starting Jan. 13th
- 25 hours of original content
- Speaking with the Mother Tongue PDF
- Access to the Wisdom of Dreams course
- 12 Self-Inquiry Journaling Prompts
- Dream interpretation support via chat
- 1-1 mentorship session
- 2 Recorded Guided Meditations
- Recommended reading list, guest speakers, & other resources

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight as a bud was more painful than the risk to blossom” -Anais Nin
Your Midwifing Guide:
Ebyän Zanini
Ebyän is a visual storyteller and poetess of Somali-Italian descent. She is the founder of Mother Tongue and teaches at the intersection of decolonization, eco-sensuality, and feminine mysticism. Ebyän’s offerings are deeply inspired by the animist spirituality of her Nubian ancestral heritage, weaving us closer to the enchantment that is available in all Life.

Guest Teachers

Aphra Natley “Asanctuaire”
Painter, Integral Art Therapist

Alnoor Ladha
Political strategist, activist, author

Dr. Katherine Lawson
Depth Psychologist, Founder of Awake in the Dream